Workout of the Week: 020 – Camille Buscomb

This week we have a special guest presenting one of her favourite interval workouts especially for Fast February. And it comes from one freakishly fast lady …

Camille Buscomb is New Zealand’s current queen of distance running having finished 12th in both the 5000m and 10,000m at last year’s World Champs—both in personal best times of 14:58 and 31:13 respectively.

So, yes, she is speedy!

The workout that we will be following in fast footsteps is 5x1200m with 400m jogs (plus, there’s a little twist in intervals 2 and 4).


This month is all about getting those wheels rollin’! And to help fuel your workouts, we’ve partnered with New Balance to give away a $150 EVERY WEEK in February.

To enter, all you need to do is tag @runtempofit AND @newbalancenz in your Instagram or Facebook workout posts each week.

Get on it!


5×1200 metres @ Your 10k Race Pace (400 metre jog recoveries)

Plus, we will mix up the pace just a little in reps 2 and 4 by running the second 400m in each at your 5k pace. This means you’ll just increase your pace by a gear for one lap of the track, before slowing back down to 10k pace for the final 400m. Do this JUST on intervals 2 and 4.


Running track or flat measurable path (or, if you’re stuck inside, you could use a treadmill).


Crushing it!

This is another workout where we are aiming to learn a certain pace and get really good at that pace. So, it means it should feel reasonably comfortable in the first two intervals. But, with the combo of short recovery jogs and those sneaky faster 400s, you will need to stay dialled in so you can crush that final 1200m.


Camille does a lot of these types of workouts where she conditions the body to run at 10k pace and tests it with different length rests and little surprises like the 400s at 5k pace. So if this works for one of the world’s fastest, it definitely works for us too!


In the podcast, Camille emphasises the need to stay present in whatever you’re doing. If you’re just starting the workout, aim to hit your paces early; if you’re in the recoveries, jog them well and focus on recovery; if you’re in the hard zone, focus on good technique and staying relaxed and composed.

If you stay in the moment, you’ll achieve the goals for the workout and soon find yourself with just one interval to go.


Camille has represented New Zealand at two World Champs and the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games.

Her performances at the Doha World Champs in 2019 have qualified her for the Tokyo Olympics and, between now and then, she’s aiming to get even fitter to have a good crack at a couple of top 8s and some new personal bests.

Follow her on Instagram and Facebook and check out her website