Workout of the Week: 091 – 5k Pace Intervals #3

Here we go! 1k reps and lots of them! This workout is designed to give your body plenty of time on your feet running at 5k pace, so you can get all those great adaptations to speed and intensity that come with it.


5k Pace Intervals
6x 1k @ your 5k race pace
2 minutes jog recovery

Terrain: Flat, measurable pathway or running track

One of the benefits of running intervals is that the recoveries enable you to door more work at a given pace than you otherwise would if it was a race setting.

In this case we’re doing 6k at a pace you could only hold for 5k, so there are some incredible adaptation benefits in terms of mechanics, muscular endurance and aerobic capacity that come with challenging session like this.


This is all about clocking plenty of time at 5k pace in order to get your muscles used to it and to strengthen your heart and lungs to go the distance.


These sessions are tough so you will want to make sure you nail a couple of key aspects of the session:

– Pacing (especially in the first two sessions but also within each session)

– Recoveries (keep these real chilled)

– Freshness (go into this workout nice and fresh i.e. not the day after a big long run)

– Post-session recovery (this session will take its toll, so be sure to have 48 hours at least of easy running and recovery).